News & UpdatesNEWSletters
September 2020 Newsletter
Gilakas'la. Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year. I hope that your families had a safe and enjoyable summer. Here is the latest news from the school.
February/March 2020 Newsletter
It's hard to think that the second term is almost completed. February flew by and before you know it spring will be here! Bring on the longer days and hopefully nicer weather 🙂
January 2020 Newsletter
Welcome to 2020, a new year and decade! I hope you had opportunities to connect with those special to you during the holidays. In January, we have hit the ground running and our students are back into the routing that school provides.
Get In Touch
Location: 182 Ba’as Rd, Tsulquate Reserve, Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0
Contact Us: P.O. Box 1799
Telephone: (250) 949-7743
School Hours: Mon-Fri – 8 am to 4 pm